Thursday, June 14, 2012

So this is my first foray into indoor flash-photography using these Polaroids. I took this one in my living room at night with only a small lamp on, using the Flash Bar you see in the center. The photograph, as you can see, is a tad light (admittedly I turned the electric eye a bit to the lighter side fearing the resulting frame would be complete darkness).  Further appraisal tells me that I may have been a little close to the subject as well, but the point is; Flash Bars are awesome. The Flash Bar consists of two sides with five little bulbs each. It plugs right into the top of these SX-700 cameras with no further effort needed. Each flash produced pops one of the little bulbs resulting in a (brighter than expected) flash of light, perfect for indoor photography. Thankfully, it's very easy to tell which bulb has been flashed (you can see on the bar pictured that the top bulb is toast) so you're never left worrying about how many flashes you've got left. Needless to say, I'll be experimenting with this setup a LOT. Expect more, and hopefully differing, results in future posts.

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